How we live and love and what we have to say about it, from Mommy Mumblings to Daddy Discourses
About Us
Stan and I first met in BYU's weight room. We've been married since Dec. of 2000. 19 years later we're still madly in love and so happy to have each other. We've earned 4 degrees: 2 BS's, 1 MS and 1 PhD. We've lived in UT, VA, MS, CA, and now back to my home state of North Carolina. We love rock climbing, yoga, biking, exercising, reading, writing, making each other laugh, and our 5 beautiful children.
OK most of the time Eliza is a baby on the edge full of electric energy. She's our favorite little darling with such a cute smile, full of oversized teeth for her tiny face. We are proud of her for taking her first step on Sept. 12, 2006. She's good at wearing herself out, of course Israel her big brother makes sure she's always entertained.
We visited Zion's Park and then climbed some in St. George. We're getting very good at climbing and last night Robin climbed a 5-11B at the indoor climbing gym called The Quarry in Provo where she teaches Yoga twice a week. We also hiked through Mystery Canyon and repelled down 12 repels with a final repel into a river and a fantastic 120' repel into a spring of water with ferns growing all around. If you ever get the opportunity AND you have someone like Chuck that knows how to keep you safe- don't miss that opportunity! Thanks for Michelle for watching Israel and Eliza for us! We wish we had pictures from Mystery Canyon, but we didn't want to ruin our camera.
Fun pictures of us climbing on some rocks! We've gotten better since then. Stan attempted a 5-11D but it he didn't get too far (not pictured here). Stan enjoyed the bird-life in Southern Utah. We're climbing with my siblings Chuck, Diana (his wife), and Amanda.
I- "Mom where's Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid" (looking for the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid) 8- 27-10
J- "Bat rhymes with cat. I know everything" something she says often. that and "Stop laughing"
E-"Mommy, are there donuts in California?" 8-10-09
J- "up and down" after being asking if she liked jumping on the trampoline 7-20-09
I- in response to my question about his favorite person in the world "I don't know, either Grandma Hall or Cline and Matthew, they have the best toys" 6-16-09