On our way back from Delicate Arch, the symbol of Utah, we played "I Spy". For the first time in Eliza's history she didn't spy something pink.
On a more serious note, my good friend Katie is my new hero. I've admired her for a long time, she works really hard, deals with diseases and health problems like they are just a part of life (and she knows with hemaphelia and Crohns in her fam). Every time she has a baby she breaks her tailbone, and yet she's had three. You get the idea. She's amazing- a great friend, a lover of books, and a good cook too. Even more though, she's giving, and I'm not just talking about her time. This last week she donated her better functioning kidney to a brother in desparate need of one. Her youngest isn't even one yet. It's her husband's stressful last semester of BYU, they're still job hunting, but she did this amazing sacrifice, of time, of body, of possible detriment to her own health, knowing that she may never be able to have more children, she gave anyway. She's still in the hospital today. She'll have 6-8 weeks of recovery at home. I am in awe. I am also praying for her quick recovery and hoping that I can give her ample help in the coming weeks.
I've been thinking this weekend: could I do what Katie did? could you do what Katie did? If you think to remember Katie and her brother in your prayers. It wouldn't hurt and I'm confident it will help.
Rancho Mirage
4 days ago
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